Non-Tox Beauty Application
My Role
Research Question
How can a technology-based product or service help people choose and find information about safe beauty products based on their preferences?
Fun Facts
●Health and beauty products often contain unsafe chemicals (parabens, sulfates, formaldehyde) that are dangerous to our health (Bergfield, Belsito, Marks, & Andersen, 2005)
●Exposure to such chemicals can lead to potential health risks like infertility, pregnancy issues, cancer, and neurodevelopmental disorders (Zota and Shamasunder, 2017)
Five participants; 4 females, 1 male
Completed two fictional scenarios:
Find and select a non-toxic facial moisturizer
Find and select a non-toxic foundation
Four themes: ○Searching
Exploring ○Reviewing ○Negativity
Four participants; 3 females, 1 male
In-person interviews; about 30 minutes
Asked questions on past experiences finding personal care products, how users research products, and what technology is used to find products
Transcribed the interviews, open coded the scripts, and organized into themes via affinity diagramming
Process Flow Chart:
Majority of participants (69.23%) reported researching ingredients in their skincare
With user’s last purchased product, 47% reported not researching, 27% spent > 10 minutes, 23% spent 10-30 minutes
The majority of users (42.86%)shopped in-store for their personal care products.
The majority of users do not easily have access to ingredient or ingredient safety information.
Majority used Google searches and beauty blogs to research (78%), followed by reviews (44%)
Participants reported that the most influential factors to purchase a product are Effectiveness, Price, Recommendations, & Reviews