Business Networking Application
My Role:
Will include
In app suggestions for the user
View various profiles
Message and contact business owners
Talk about their own stories in their personalized profile
Mobile Application
Business Networking Application
For business people who want to connect with other businesses in various ways.
Main App Wants
Connect with others
Business events
Local Businesses
Accessing different suggestions and profiles of the users interests.
Conceptual Model Diagram
Data Analysis
Here are some examples, taken from hypothetical tests:
4 out of 5 users found that the flow was smooth and self-explanatory
2 out of 5 users didn’t know that they can use the save feature to save their workflow
All 5 users completed “Setting up the meeting” task
1 user commented that this feature is of huge help in finding the right people the user is looking for
All 5 users responded that they’re satisfied with the product
As per the feedback from users who used mobile interface, some of the font for buttons like submit and cancel weren’t clear enough and that they have to carefully look multiple times to make sure of it before clicking it
Also when the user accidentally veers away from the workflow he/she is not able to return to the original flow
The screen is more compact and the feature seems to be a little crowded
Journey Map
Affinity Diagram
Concept Analysis
Low-Fidelity Prototype
Low-Fi Prototype Link:
Design Change:
We would use appropriate font size as suitable for the mobile platform so that users find it easy to look at them
Providing a back button and home at every step of the flow would enable users to return to the original point
Although compactness can be helpful we can definitely find ways to make the screen less crowded so that the user does not feel overwhelmed